Workplace Eye Wellness Month

According to, March is workplace eye wellness month. Each year, more than 10,000 eye injuries cause workers to miss work in the construction industry. Construction has a higher rate of eye injuries than any other field. What can you do to make sure you avoid eye injuries on the job?

  • Always wear goggles or safety glasses with side shields.
  • Always wear goggles for overhead work.
  • In addition, wear a clear plastic face shield for: work with corrosive chemicals or metals that may splash, grinding chipping, welding and sandblasting.

OSHA requires your employer must provide eye or face protection for flying particles, molten metal, chemicals, welding and radiation. Goggle or safety glasses must fit over any prescription glasses you need and must fit correctly.

Sheffield Safety carries a wide range of safety glasses/goggles. Call to place an order on any safety equipment: (773) 525-5532
Sheffield Safety carries a wide range of safety glasses/goggles. Contact us to place an order on any safety equipment: (773) 525-5532 or

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