Sheffield Safety and Loss Control has been going through the process of moving to a new location, a former trolley barn located in Plainfield, Illinois. The trolley barn has undergone a massive transformation, so we’re excited to share the progress of our new headquarters.
Paul Wojcieszak, president of Sheffield Safety, was originally looking for a simple office space to expand his business. Paul ended up purchasing the entire trolley barn with plans to redevelop 7,000 square feet of the building into Sheffield Safety’s new corporate headquarters. Inside the space includes: offices, a training room, area to sell safety equipment, and a warehouse holding safety equipment. The rest of the building will be leased.
It was important that the historical integrity still remained during the renovation. Architect David Schmidt believes that they “tried to make the building look like it would if they were going to do something like this back then.” Attention to historical details also means restoring the original limestone.
Check out the progress!